Lucid Journeys Singularity – Tryptamine Blend Gummies


This product is not manufactured by Delta Life Hemp Company. Consumers are advised, per the manufacturer that “the contents of this package are a novelty collectible not meant for human consumption.



Welcome to “Singularity.” the mystical realm of Lucid Journeys. a place where interdimensional travels await you through the captivating power of mind-puzzles. Your quest to attain heightened states of consciousness begins with ten enthralling word puzzles, with each correct answer releasing mystical mana bits to fuel your quest. Accumulate sufficient mana bits to transcend the confines of reality and ascend to the summit of enlightenment, Are you prepared o embark on this remarkable reality and ascend to the summit of enlightenment Are you prepared to embark on this remarkable adventure of brain bending mind-puzzles?

Upon solving all the puzzles, you shall earn the esteemed title: “Seeker of Knowledge,” a distinction reserved solely for Ancient Annunaki sages from a distant star system. Do you possess the bravery required to embark on this extraordinary journey?

FOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ONLY. The contents of this package are a novelty collectible not meant for human consumption.